Our story
Mark was addicted and felt hopeless. His lustful desires took control of his heart. His past actions caused deep hurt to those he loved and cared about most. He finally began to open up about the secret life he’d been living. He stopped hiding and gradually began to experience freedom from his sexual addiction.
Over the past 6 years, Mark J. has toured the country sharing his story of healing and freedom from sexual addiction. Hearing so many stories of those losing the battle against lust, He felt God leading him to start an organization to expand the reach in the fight against porn. Offline was founded by Mark J. Ornelas (aka Mark J. the Poet) in July of 2019.
Offline is about seeing families, marriages, and individuals experience the healing that awaits them. We are an organization that goes against the grain of a hyper-sexualized culture by providing a safe place for men and women to work through their struggles with lust. We are a movement of conversation starters willing to engage in transparent dialogue in a small group, one-on-one, or on stage before an audience.

Experience lasting freedom.
“The way that we fight porn is through purity. Purification is the way to a porn-free life. It’s not only about losing porn but it’s about gaining a pure heart.”
- Founder, The Purity Co.
Gracelyn Sorrell